Wide Temperature Range Vacuum Testing
- Liquid Nitrogen cooled radiative shroud
- Pressures: Atmosphere to 10-7 Torr
- Chamber Temperature: -195 to +150 C
- Cold Fixture: ~4 K
- TQCM contamination monitor
- Working Volume: 5' x 2' x 22" (1525 x 610 x 560 mm)
- LabVIEW monitoring software
- 5 independent temperature sub-zones
- 48 Temperature monitoring channels
- 82 Instrument signal channels
- 4 RF channels in SMA
Trained support and operation staff able to develop fixturing, integration and test plans to meet your project needs.
For more information, contact the Physics Testing Center at phys-testing@divms.uiowa.edu.

Thermal vacuum chamber testing of our ICI-5 Sounding Rocket Mission magnetometer and student balloon project. We use the thermovac to simulate the extreme conditions of space and see how our instruments perform.